Umpire Coach Developers (UCD) are an integral part of the umpire structure, introduced by Netball New Zealand in 2019. To have the greatest impact on developing community and performance umpires the focus is on helping develop our umpire coaches to be effective in the coaching of umpires in an umpire centred way, with knowledge of best practice.
Umpire coach developers will work closely with umpire coaches to provide support, training and mentoring.
We recently chatted to one of our Umpire Coach Developers, Eleanor Kitching, and here’s what she had to say about the role.
Umpire Coach Developer - Eleanor Kitching, Waiuku Netball Centre
Tell us a bit about yourself?
I live in Waiuku with my husband and three cats. I love all sports but I’m passionate about netball, and played netball at a reasonable level - representing Counties at Nationals.
I’ve attained my NZ C Award twice and have umpired at six Age Groups. I’ve attended Age Groups, UNISS, U17 as an Umpire Coach and am currently an Umpire Coach Developer. This season I’m helping with the Counties Manukau Umpire Coach group.
When I started umpiring, we had to sink or swim, especially living in a rural town with very limited support and the games were not at the high level required. This is the reason I am so on board with Umpire Centred Learning. I was lucky to have a great mentor, Nancy Murphy, who guided me through my formative years as an umpire.
Why did you decide to become an umpire coach developer?
Initially I started coaching as we didn’t have that many coaches and felt that I could help guide umpire coaches along their pathway. There was nothing structured in this area initially so was happy to ‘help out’
Why do you enjoy developing umpire coaches?
I like to see people learn and grow in confidence and move on to help others.
What skill areas have you enjoyed developing as a Umpire Coach Developer?
I have enjoyed all the new ways of coaching - especially around Umpire Centred Learning.
What has been your best experience?
Gosh so many! Probably from an umpiring perspective, attaining my NZ C Award both times! The first time because I got it and the second time because I had come back from an ACL reconstruction and had to do so much work to be back at that level again. From a coaching level, it probably has been seeing umpires I have coached move through the system and attain their goals. From an Umpire Coach Developer, it is definitely watching others grow into strong coaches and attaining their goals.
What would be your best advice for umpire coaches just starting to work with an Umpire Coach Developer?
Be honest and kind put yourself in their shoes.