Board Chair, Mary Gardiner presenting at the recent Centre Connect

We have recently embarked on the phase of strategic planning which focuses on the future, to refresh our strategy for the next three years.

This is a time for clubs, centres, zones, teams and Netball NZ; to prioritise and simplify, use our skills and resources well, engage effectively with members and innovate as we seek to grow and strengthen netball.  There is always lots to do, which we know can stretch and pull at the resources we have.

Strategy refresh

Our zone is in the process of engaging with members and stakeholders as part of our strategy review and refresh.

At the three recent Centre Connect sessions, which I attended alongside Phil, Karyne, Tania, Sharleen, Amelia, Katie and Leah, I enjoyed the challenging and thoughtful discussions. Once again, I was hugely impressed by the dedication of all the attendees and their open and collaborative conversations along with their energy and positive approach.

The next steps to refresh our strategy, include a hui with Centre board chairs in mid-August, then conversations with the Netball Northern zone board.

Please feel free to talk with Phil, Karyne or any member of our board team if you were not able to make one of these sessions, or you have had a great idea or a question, since we met -particularly if you would like to talk about what the Zone should start, stop or continue to do.

Below are the five pillars of the 2021-2024 Netball Northern strategy

21 24 Zone Strategy

MG Mystics in the Grand Final

We are so proud of our MG Mystics and whole support group for the terrific season.

Like all ANZ Premiership teams this season, the MG Mystics have faced adversity and challenges, so It was FANTASTIC to see them play so bravely in the Grand Final to win back-to-back titles.

Tribute to the Pulse who played their hearts out, resulting in such a dramatic and exciting final.

It was a pleasure to be part of the crowd and witness how great netball can be and also hear in the post-match speeches the great respect shown by our wonderful players.

We are very, very proud of our MG Mystics – 2024 ANZ Premiership Champions!!

Mary Gardiner

Board Chair


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